Gary Beldon Jennings II (most of you know me as Bo)
Since graduating from college, I have pursued professional career opportunities in Hospitality, Tourism, and Events. A native Texan, I relocated to Bar Harbor in 2020 after being a part of the Nashville, Tennessee community for over 10 years. I currently serve as vice char of the Communications and Technology Committee for the town of Bar Harbor. I also am the current president of the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.
Why are you running for Warrant Committee? How does your why for running delve into your bigger life purpose?
I believe service of your fellow man is at the core of being a good person. I am not gifted like our civil servants are at their jobs. But I can serve my neighbors by bringing experiences from several businesses, as well as other communities I have served.
The last year or so the news has been full of cruise ships, short-term rentals, and affordable housing. This isn’t saying that those aren’t all tremendously important, but what are some of the things that we might not be focusing on as a town that needs to be focused on instead?
I believe there are many issues that must be addressed amongst each other. When we look at things through the narrow lens of an individual conversation, we miss the unexpected (and sometimes the expected) consequences. So, as we talk about the budget, for example, we need to look at how everything drives revenue, or cuts costs. If we look at it singularly, or emotionally, and not factually, we will end up in an even bigger mess.
What are your thoughts on how the Town Council, the Warrant Committee, the town, and Conners Emerson School Board can work together to lessen the tax implication for the residents?
I would love to say there is a magic wand, and there are easy, simple, answers. There aren't simple/easy answers. Where we are demands we have difficult conversations and then we act. I am often in meetings, even town-wide, where there is a lot of talk, but little to no follow up. So, there are good ideas out there already, and probably more to come. But we can't avoid the tough conversation or kick the can down the road. We have to be realistic about our situation, and everyone contributes to the solution. If any of the above segments refuses to drive revenue and/or cut expenses, and have the tough conversations about how that can happen, then we will remain in the current budget shortfall we currently face.
What have you done for yourself that you’re the most proud of?
I am one of the fortunate survivors of a battle with mental health, specifically depression and suicide. 2024 marks 20 years since I battled depression, and I will not lose, ever again. I am lucky to be here today, and I know that even in the toughest of times, I will not be brought down by that, again. And I am most proud of the hard work it took to get here, and the ability to speak about it publicly. I know there are many out there who may be hurting or battling depression. You're not alone. Please don't hesitate to reach out.
What have you done for the community that you’re the most proud of?
Serving on the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has been amazing. Getting to support the hard work of the amazing staff (Everal, Chris, Mel, Aubrie), and work alongside such amazing board members, all to serve our members and community, has been so rewarding. The Chamber works so hard do so much for the town, the island, and all of our members, and I am grateful to play a very small role in that.
The Warrant Committee considers, investigates, and reports on all of the election warrant articles except for the candidates for Town Meeting. What particular skills do you have that you think will help you perform that role?
In business, I look at things factually, and holistically. You can't evaluate things in a bubble; you have to consider everything. That's not easy to do. The Warrant Committee is not here to be what I personally want, but what is best for Bar Harbor. And just like at work, my personal preference has to come second to what is best for the businesses I run.
What’s a question that I should be asking you that I’m not asking? Feel free to answer it if you’d like to!
Every question you ask is perfect nothing to add here ;)