Joe Minutolo has lived in Bar Harbor since 1969. In 1978 he and his brother purchased Bar Harbor Bicycle Shop and ran it together for 46 years. Bar Harbor Bicycle has always prided itself by serving the locals first.
Over the years they employed countless MDI High School and College of the Atlantic students. Mr. Minutolo served on the Warrant Committee through the 90s, the Ferry Terminal Advisory Committee, and now six years on the Town Council. He was also a board member of Friends of Acadia. He is now seeking a third term on the Town Council.
Why do you think so many people are running this year?
I think a lot of people are running because they have different ideas than the current council. They must feel they can do a better job and have concerns.
Why are you running? How does your why for running delve into your bigger life purpose?
I have concerns just like the others, like balancing high taxes and providing the services that are wanted and needed. The housing shortage from year round to seasonal. The cruise ship issue is still not completely settled and it needs to be. The cost of building a new school. That’s the short list.
As far as running and how it fits into my life purpose, this community has been very good to me. I’ve lived here since 1969. This is home and since owning a business for 46 years that has dealt with local, seasonal, and tourist populations, I feel I have a unique perspective and can hopefully bridge all of those interests so we, as a community, can improve Bar Harbor’s future.
How would you try to create more trust between people not on town boards/committees and those who are?
There are two sides to creating trust. First, councils, boards, and committees should be transparent. I think we have taken transparency to a higher level in the last six years that I have been on the council. The other side is don’t believe everything you read on social media. It only takes one post from someone that takes a sound bite out of context, and things can go off the rails very quickly.
What are some things that you feel like the town should be focusing on, but isn’t?
I think the town has been focusing on so many issues. We need to narrow the focus and execute on what is on the table right now. The issue we need to focus on are tourism management, infrastructure, the school, and housing, and take measures to stabilize taxes. Adding anything new at this point will just take away from these existing issues.
We asked this last year, but I think it’s really important to ask again. Do you have any ideas for increasing revenue to the town and alleviating the tax burden on property owners? Do you have any ideas for decreasing expenses?
Lodging tax! Bar Harbor provides the services for tens of thousands of people per day, but we only tax the 5,000 that live here. It costs a lot of money to host the millions of people that come through while on vacation, and use all of our services that the town provides. The state is in the dark ages when it comes to this issues, almost every state or local municipality charges taxes or fees related to tourism.
As costs rise, which they will, we need the tools to keep our infrastructure intact. That means money!
I believe we need a lodging tax that stays here in our own budget, to be used for infrastructure, emergency/police services, and public works.
When you break it down, put hotel/motels rooms, short-term rentals, campgrounds, BnBs together, we have more transient accommodations that we have year-round housing. While traveling this winter in the United States and Canada, we paid taxes and fees directly related to tourism.
The reason I like lodging tax more than a local options tax is it directly targets the tourist. A local options tax would be on goods and possibly services and that could impact the local citizen.
As far as decreasing expenses, that will be a tough hurdle. I truly believe out town manager and department heads have considered the balance of expenses to services requested. We can always shave a little here and a little there, but that only saves pennies. We need dollars!
What skills do you bring to the table that you think other candidates might not bring?
I have lived here a long time and experienced the changes like so many, both good and bad. I believe I have an understanding of the issues that divide the town and would like to find the middle ground that works for the whole.
What is it about Bar Harbor that you love?
I love the environment, the culture, the diversity, and the ever changing flow of people.
What is it that worries you?
Maintaining community and holding on to the small town feel and values we have left. I also worry about the rising costs of living here.
What have you done for yourself that you’re the most proud of? What have you done for the community that you’re the most proud of?
I don’t really look at what I have done for myself that makes me proud. It’s how lucky I have been to be able to live my life in a beautiful place, working a job that I loved, surrounded by great people and a caring community. I have made so many friends and connections from people all over the world. I also have an awesome family that’s supportive, caring, funny, and creative. I’m just very lucky and thankful.
For the community, I’ve served on the Warrant Committee, the Ferry Terminal Advisory Committee, and the Town Council. I have been proud to serve with all of these groups that were filled with smart and diverse people, that always had the best interest of the community at heart.