ON THE AGENDA: Town & School Meetings This Week.
It's our round up of upcoming government meetings. All are public. That means you can go and be involved. Spoiler alert: There are not many!
The Bar Harbor Story is generously sponsored by Swan Agency Real Estate.
Every week we document Bar Harbor, MDI, and Trenton government and school meetings that we know of. Please let us know if we’ve missed something.
Also, sometimes things are on the town calendars and are cancelled or rescheduled, so make sure to double check before you head over! This is especially true if no agenda has been posted.
We’ve separated the meetings and agendas by towns and then put school meetings together.
According to Bar Harbor’s website, “Meetings that are broadcast live can be viewed at home by watching Cable Access Channel 7 or 1303 (Spectrum Cable only) and online at Town Hall Streams.”
All meetings are open to the public. If there is an executive session, that part of the meeting is not open.
All the meetings take place at the Bar Harbor Municipal Building at 93 Cottage Street unless otherwise noted. And they usually have a time for public comments. This is not true about executive sessions, which are closed to the public.
So, go! Be informed! Be part of the process. You deserve to be.
To see the town meeting calendar by month, click here.
To see the school board calendar by month, click here
No meetings.
Planning Board Meeting
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Town Office & Via Zoom, 6 PM
There is currently no agenda posted, so be sure to check before heading over.
No meetings this week.
Upcoming so we wanted to start sharing it now….
There are no selectboard or planning board agendas currently uploaded.
Held every other Tuesday at 7 PM at the Town Office
Meetings may be rescheduled or cancelled. Please check the public notices on its homepage regularly for meeting updates.
Anyone who would like to receive select board agendas or minutes can call the town office at 667-7207 or e-mail Carol Walsh at cwalsh@trentonme.com.
Board of Appeals meets on an as needed basis, the second Thursday of the month.
Planning Board meets monthly on the second Wednesday.
Harbor Committee meets on an as needed basis.
Solid Waste Committee meets on an as needed basis.
Broadband Committee meets every second Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Committee Meetings are currently held remotely via Zoom.
This is Carrie and Shaun, again. When we started the Bar Harbor Story, one of our major tenets was that we provide high quality, unbiased news for everyone, for free. Why would we want to do this? Because we believe that everyone, regardless of financial means, deserves to be as informed as they choose to be and not have to pay for that privilege.
Not only does the Bar Harbor Story, provide local news in a way that keeps you informed, but it, and us, also embraces and promotes community and the good that is within it.
We are working very hard to get the news out there—for free—for everyone. Most media isn’t local. Most media has paywalls and is inundated with advertisements. We don’t. We aren’t.
Richard Stengel writing in The Atlantic said, "Paywalls create a two-tiered system: credible, fact-based information for people who are willing to pay for it, and murkier, less-reliable information for everyone else. Simply put, paywalls get in the way of informing the public, which is the mission of journalism.”
As a news source that is owned and staffed by locals, we make every attempt to gather all of the facts for our readers, information that might not be part of the main story and/or information that may not be known even to our towns’ officials, but is still just as important, if not more important, to the story.
As we continue our journey towards expansion of coverage area and what topics we cover, we are once again asking for your help. We are not asking for anything money related this time, although we always greatly appreciate that, but we are asking you to help spread the word about the Bar Harbor Story.
If you feel that the Bar Harbor Story is doing the job of providing high quality, unbiased news, then we ask that you tell everyone that you know that has access to the internet, via any type of device, about us. You can tell them personally and they can do a web search for Bar Harbor Story or you can send them this web address barharborstory.substack.com and it will introduce them to the Bar Harbor Story and all they will have to do on their own is hit the “Subscribe” button at the bottom of any article.
Thank you for helping us allow people to know that they can have free access to the local news.
Carrie and Shaun
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