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Carrie and Shaun, you are doing more than an admirable job. I can't begin to express our gratefulness to your reporting. I would love to see you expand coverage to other Towns on the island. For example, Mt. Desert is currently embroiled in a controversy over short term/vacation rentals with the burning questions being should we go down the path of Bar Harbor, etc, can we learn from them, can we avoid their mistakes? The Town of Mount Desert is indeed tranparent as all public meetings are posted on their youtube channel. But that doesn't reach individual Town citizens, in fact, very few of them know such a youtube channel even exists. Is there any way you could reach out to people in the other MDI island towns for volunteers to cover the important happenings in their communities? I have no idea how this might work in terms of substack and email lists. I'd be happy to contribute to an ad in the Islander requesting such volunteers. What I DO know is that we are all entertwinted on MDI and what affects one Town affects all others. What I'd hope to see is an increase in subscriber support for you that is reflective of all MDI citizens, with the ultimate goal of getting information out to individuals and comuinities who are currently unaware of the full coverage resourse you could provide to keep them informed of current issues, local events, etc.,

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