Talks cheap. Protection given to endangered wildlife may be "politically correct" but without teeth it really amounts to little more than virtue signaling. I'll bet that if these kids broke into the Park Superintendent's home there would be consequences more serious than a gentle pat on the head. And quite frankly the potential loss of a year's nest production is a bit more serious than some rude kids walking into the dining room uninvited and spoiling someone's supper. A year in jail might be going too far but a $500 fine (each) sounds like a sweet spot to me,

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1000/fine 80 hours community service

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That sounds better, what absolute jerks, peace sign and all

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80 hours of removing toilet paper from the trails is my suggestion

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80 hours or 500 poop bags

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$2500 fine plus 30 days County Jail for each. People need to understand that their actions have an expensive cause. If the Falcons abandoned their nest because of these "idiots" the loss would be immeasurable. Next time some idiot decides to do something this stupid they will think twice.

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