The term "unacceptable condition" relies heavily upon the eye of the beholder. I'll bet there are cyclists who would come up with a somewhat less charitable assessment. That said I totally agree that heavy vehicles cause the most damage which is why some roads are closed to heavy vehicles in the spring. Most rural roads in Maine are very vulnerable to damage from heavy vehicles as they are often built upon ledge with less than optimal sub base material. This leads to poor drainage, frost heaves, and eventually breaks in the surface. Left untreated cracks and breaks lead to water intrusion and the cycle repeats until the entire pavement needs to be replaced. The question is not whether or not repairs are required the question is who is going to foot the bill. And the first source that comes to mind is the Cruise Ship Fund. The average Greyhound style tour bus weighs 48,000 lbs when passengers and luggage are factored in and they must of needs use Bar Harbor roads to gain access to the park. Moreover a few years back during one if the government shutdowns tour buses unable to enter the park ran trips all over the island on roads never designed to carry that sort of weight. Clearly it is reasonable to expect that these buses shoulder at least some of the cost of road repair.

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That picture looks like Seal Harbor beach, not the damage at the seawall in Little Long Pond.

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Thanks, Pancho! We'll go tweak it.

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