Nicely organized - I so appreciate the supplemental information to the primary article. I selfishly prefer Bar Harbor without cruise ships, yet understand the economic value to some businesses.
Candy! That is so kind of you to say! That means a lot to me. And thank you for being so open about how you feel. I bet a lot of people feel exactly the same way. I think that's why Valerie Peacock and others talked so much about trying to find that compromise and middle ground during the meeting.
Nicely organized - I so appreciate the supplemental information to the primary article. I selfishly prefer Bar Harbor without cruise ships, yet understand the economic value to some businesses.
Candy! That is so kind of you to say! That means a lot to me. And thank you for being so open about how you feel. I bet a lot of people feel exactly the same way. I think that's why Valerie Peacock and others talked so much about trying to find that compromise and middle ground during the meeting.