How many homes are being proposed on the drier than normal wetlands?

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I can’t believe this Town Council is still trying to entertain big cruise ships when they were told by the majority of the citizens that 1000 per day is all they want . Is our new

town manager encouraging an ordinance change because he thinks people need to love cruise ships?

I talked with Mr Smith and he told me the 58 to 42 vote demonstrated to him that the town was split and something needs to be done. He is using his trump card to deny the election results.

That is utter nonsense and he will further aggravate the citizens if he tries to sell bigger ships and more passengers Do you think you 7 volunteers are smarter than the rest of us. Well then, as Matt Hochmann so eloquently stated. “FUCK YOU.” Words I would never use and if I did I would expect to be kicked off the Town Council. How does it feel to be party with someone who throws vulgarity at the majority. Not a word of apology from this TC for this outrageous behavior. You all should be ashamed. Don’t bother reading the rules of courteous engagement before town council meetings . They are now a joke.

Jim O’Connell

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Sidman has been demonized for sticking up for the citizens, definitely a play out of the MAGA handbook.

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