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Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk

See Something, Say Something

A Stitch In Time Saves Nine

These are all warnings for the real need to stand up and take action. Before harm is done and people get hurt. Hercules did not clean the Augean stables by praising the negligent king and sweeping the filth under the rug.

Bar Harbor Town Councilors decision, to stop their ears and stick out their tongues to defend then Town Manager Kevin Sutherland, ended in tragedy if you like, or fiasco if you want. But a real mess with real harm to Bar Harbor.

If Bar Harbor residents want the better town governance they so need, then now is the time to give a fair critique of the council's lapses in judgement as a group and express hope of their individual abilities to take responsibility, acknowledge their mistakes, and unite for reform.

Or just fall back on business as usual, cruising to the next disaster.

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