Thanks for your thorough airing of this controversy. Anne Trotter is right. Those not in the secret meeting are going to suspect the worst. It is a pity that the public does not have a right to know what went on when Versant was discussing their approach to this. Suspect the worst. Versant wants to kill renewable energy even though they are not in the supply business in Maine. What better way to do it than to make it uneconomical.

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My goodness, the drama! Government entities who keep secrets, even *really* boring ones, have to understand that pretty much everyone not in on the secret is 1) motivated to be in on it and 2) going to imagine the worst instead of reality. It's how 99% of conspiracy theories from.

I think Councilor Maya Caines has the best point here. I hope there's no civil lawsuit, it's always best to resolve issues at the lowest possible level.

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