A big to do about nothing. When a ship calls for a reservation it is informed as to how many passengers have already been okayed for the days they request. Obviously a cruise ship is not going to come here if they must deny their passengers the oppurtunity to come ashore. There would be a mutiny. No cruise ship companies are suing Bar Harbor over our Constitutional rights. It is

Ocean Properties that is thwarting the citizens desires. The cost of fighting fruitless appeals is nothing compared to the cost of winning on Home Rule principals. OP cannot legally add more evidence to that case.

They are NOT going to secretly invite ships on their own because only our Harbor Master under direction from our Town’s citizens can do that. The law is 1000 Max Pax. If a ship has to restrict disembarkations it will not come. That is a fact. It is simply OP fighting for over a million in fees that he is allowed to spend wherever he wants , as opposed to the restricted fees the town collects, that the TC and our new Town Manager are fighting for. It is pathetic to secretly meet with the multi billion dollar cruise industy. It is a smack in the face of the voters.

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There will be no reason to count passengers.

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You have explained berth capacity before, but it might be helpful to define that term when it is noted in your articles for those who are reading about the cruise ship issues for the first time.

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Done. Thanks again, Kathleen.

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Thanks for your comment, Kathleen. It felt a bit long already, which is why I didn't, but it's a great point.

I'll go back in and define it when I get a moment.

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Cruise ships, what a topic!

In the discussion of persons vs passengers I think persons probably means any human coming off the ship. Probably counting crew and passengers whether they sleep in a lower or upper berth bed.

2007 Bar Harbor Comprehensive plan is a good place to see where our reality has tried to come from in planning.

Basically go to the plan, go to the search function, type in passengers and look up all the discussions that planners have been talking about. I think there are 32, references, all worth reviewing.

Pg II-13, 1. Downtown, Schooner Head and Otter Creek neighborhoods,

Last sentence/

The number of cruise ship passengers has been limited to protect the capacity of town to handle them.

Pg. III. A-39 Policy 3E

Manage cruise ship tour bus visitation

Pg. III. A-40 Strategy 3E5

Pg. VA-18, F. Boats

Pg. VA-19, G. Estimated year round population

Pg. VB-29 Assessing cruise industry impacts

Pg.VB-30-33 Economy

Pg. V.B.-30 North American Cruise Industry Trends

Pg. VB-38-39

VII. Issues and implications

Pg. A.39 Policy 3E

To Manage cruise ship and tour bus visitation.

Pg. A-40

Strategy 3E5 Limit cruise ship passengers

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Thank you! I'll check those out.

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It seems to me that making law either by public referendum or judicial decision are two of the worst ways. That said, not listening to the frustrations of citizens invites people to make the laws themselves and judges to step in where there is an impasse.

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