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Re "managing the narrative" as "proactive public engagement."

The council seems abashed at their tipping their hand - about their goal/priority of controlling public discourse - by putting it on the record.

Now they are spinning the language to make council control of public discourse sound more palatable. And back pedaling to make the council's intent to control public discourse seem to be its opposite, ie facilitating participation. Sheesh. Seriously.

This newly formed council got off to a very bad start regarding public engagement - seeming to want to beat the prior council's bad record. What with old councilor Gary Friedmann upping his game to suggest gag orders on residents who ask legitimate questions he won't answer and doesn't want in the record, and new councilor Earl Brechlin sneering at and seeking to obstruct public comment on non agenda items, ie items the council has not already preauthorized - even three minutes worth per person and 15 minutes entirely per meeting. Yup. Roll the tape. They did that.

These folks do not seem to trust or respect the voters who put them in office. Yikes!

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