"As we have outlined several times in writing to the town,” said Eben Salvatore, director of operations for Bar Harbor Resorts, “we will not accept this new ordinance, and any permits issued thereunder, "

Eben Salvatore to Bar Harbor:

"The law does apply to me. No matter how many times a Federal Judge says I'm wrong.

And APPL and I will bankrupt the town ... because we have the money to be as nasty as we wanna be."

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If you were wondering if appll was ever going to act in good faith…

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As if ...

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Screw you Eben.

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Salvatore's masters will bankrupt this town in the name of simple greed. God bless!

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Wow! Go Carrie! I'm so glad for your coverage on town issues!

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First Sidman needs take a long walk. He acts like a person who walks around with a gun with his finger on the trigger just waiting to pull it, only his guns are lawyers at his beck and call. The August 5th incident is being handled by the Town. This incident is between the Town and Ocean Properties to be handled in court. Every time there is an apparent violation is Sidman going to file another law suit against the town? He has shown that he doesn't give a rats behind how much he is costing the taxpayers of this town by filing a string of law suits even though the Town is handling the apparent violation according to the LUO. SIDMAN give the taxpayers a break and let the Town, APPL and Ocean Properties handle this violation according to the ordinances of this Town.

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You seem to have it backwards.

The problem is Salvatore not Sidman.

The problem is people who'd rather bankrupt Bar Harbor than follow the law, not people who want to uphold the law.

The problem is APPL and the Bar Harbor Managers and Town Councilors who love APPL - who refuse to respect Bar Harbor voters or accept the Federal judges who have repeatedly upheld the results of the Citizens Initiative.

Salvatore, APPL et al should respect the will of the voters and the law.

The Town Manager and Town Council should respect the will of the voters and enforce the law. It should not be on the shoulders of Charles Sidman to protect the will of the voters and to force the town to uphold the law.

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What the town needs to do immediately: increase the fines associated with each violation of the LOU passenger limits and add in recovering reasonable attorney fees associated with the enforcement actions. The Golden Anchor owners need to find themselves at such financial exposure from ignoring the LOU that, if they fail to prevail on their appeals, the costs would be enormous. The Town created the monster 20 years ago, Sidman is frankly doing what the Town should be doing. Failing that, the Town should start a multi-year infrastructure replacement project on West Street, time to dig up some sidewalks and streets for 3-4 summers.

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Yes. Exactly. ThankYou. For both your reasonable and your amusing suggestions.

Such a small town. Such a cast of bad actors.

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Nope. Eben needs to take a long walk off MDI to never return.

The guy is a menace along with the rest of the APPLL folks.

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