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So oppose the Citizen's Initiative. Campaign against it. When it is successful, refuse to implement the new law. Collude with profiteers who oppose the law. Use tax dollars to pay for lawyer to collude with profiteers. Lose in court (ie the Town voters win, the Town council gnashes their teeth.) Still refuse to implement the law, hoping rotten APPL will win on appeal. APPL loses appeal, Town Council tries new dirty tricks.

Latest - pitting Executive authority against citizen participation - by fiat put new law on ballot (no collecting signatures required.) Get a conniving and contrived 'do over.' Hope residents are worn out by APPL's deep pockets and Town Council's bad faith.

Break out the Red Hats. Who needs a Project 2025 when the Bar Harbor Town Council can just ignore the law willy nilly? And rewrite it at will.

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