This is a story of power, wealth, and influence trying to trump our constitutional rights including political free speech. The audio of the police:Leonard Leo conversation is damning and despicable. Leo lives on a One Way Street of constitutional rights. His speech is protected but not yours if he doesn't like what you say. He has a right to bodily autonomy but forces his amoral views on women and children. The majority rules except when a devilish minority can purchase its way to power through deceit and corruption. Very sad two of our police officer fell for it. Check out www.leonardleo.org

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leo should be cursed at, at every moment he is here on our island. He should never feel comfortable, ever. He's a terrible human.

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Last weekend I was in Bar Harbor at the village green. There was graffiti all over the sidewalks with hate speech. A wonderful message for our labor day guests. Is defacing public property a first amendment right ? Is Bar Harbor so afraid of lawsuits that they can't stop this ?

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Hate speech? Really? All I saw were notes to google Leonard Leo.

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As Caroline says, it’s only hate speech when Leo (wealth) doesn’t like it.

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