“ The splash pads are not fancy or excessively sized to avoid becoming an attraction point for non-residents”

Sad people are more concerned with excluding non-residents vs whatever the best possible design for the local children that will use it the most

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SAD! The pool was just right for the kids of yesteryear. Families would take their kids over and sit around and talk to each other. Now we want to build a Taj Mahal in its place, What ever happened to the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid). Just sometimes simple is better. Now I realize most if not all the money would come from outside donors but the town will have to maintain it, supply it, add employees and more. That money comes from our property taxes. We just stopped millions of dollars from being spent in this town with the passenger cruise line passenger limit and all the fees the cruise line ships paid to the town to come here. We have a lot of money being expended in this town which includes but not limited to; New school, Pier and Shore path repair, Higgin's pit fiascos (Just my feeling on it), Water and Sewer mains, at some point a new Police and Fire Department buildings will be needed. Does everything we do have to cost Millions? Can't we for once just "keep something simple."

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Boy- Some wet blankets never dry out!

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We will be excited to contribute/ donate to this effort! Thank you VIA for spearheading.

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This is the best idea that has emerged in Bar Harbor in years! Congratulations!

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