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Good to hear that ANP is going to hold accountable the hikers whose presence put this year's peregrine young in peril. It sometimes seems as though refusal to obey park regulations is on the upswing and nothing provides deterrence better than a stiff fine or jail sentence. I was enjoying a relaxing canoe trip on Upper Hadlock Pond yesterday and observed a young couple on mountain bikes racing along the elevated boardwalk trail along the eastern shore of the pond. Had they encountered a hiker while coming around a blind corner they may have caused serious injury. All ANP hiking trails are clearly marked as being closed to bicycles so the couple could not claim they "didn't know." Half an hour later while loading my canoe on my car I spotted a man from New Jersey setting up a photo drone. Knowing that drones are not permitted in the park I politely informed the man of that fact. He bristled and basically said that he could fly his drone anywhere he wanted. Sadly I didn't think to take down his license plate number to report to the park. Given the size of the park and the meager number of rangers to enforce the rules those who love the park should not hesitate to inform people who are breaking the rules and if they refuse to comply notifying the rangers of the infraction.

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