
I read an enormous amount of news every day from a variety of major news outlets. I can honestly say that not one of them that provides news in such a concise, thorough and objective way that you do. The most important piece here being "objective" and I hope it remains as such forever. It is nothing short of a public service you are providing and with all due respect to the MDI Islander, fills a long standing gap of information for the local public. We have enough social media updates and sound bite takes on a topic, the need is thorough understanding of issues articulated so the average voter and citizen can understand. You are accomplishing that with these articles.

Particularly as it relates to the various committee updates, agenda reviews and simply understanding what all these updates from the town entails. As someone that is not afraid to ask the "stupid question" when I don't understand something, I also appreciate that you break things down for the reader so we don't have to ask or read something additional to understand the one unknown piece.

So if anyone hasn't told you lately, I think you are pretty incredible and greatly appreciate all the updates you provide. Having spoken to many people in Bar Harbor on this, I don't think I'm alone.

So thanks!


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