Honestly, it's time for towns that rely/were built on wealthy visitors dollars, to stop treating those land owners as better than the rest of us. Sure, Leo donates to local causes that benefit him. I do too! Some of the same ones! Unfortunately, my donations don't buy me cachet or special privileges. If I called the PD and said that some other resident called me names, the PD probably wouldn't investigate (maybe if it was winter!) and they certainly wouldn't arrest anyone on my say. This kind of hierarchy of the wealthy needs to stop. If Leo wants to live in a gated community he should move back to VA instead of hiding out here.

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Thank you so much for your comments, Anne.

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We've been told that police leadership were not even aware of Edgecomb's arrest of Eli until Lincoln Millstein of the Quietside Journal contacted them.

I have been told (by police) that Bar Harbor police do not wear body cams. Did Edgecomb just decide to wear a microphone on his own?

Will Leo pay the officers' (ie towns') legal expenses?

Will the case go before a Trump appointed or Leo selected judge? Do we have an independent judiciary? It is because of Leo that we have to ask this. And is why protestors are putting Leo in the spotlight.

Very good to have the actual court document. ThankYou Carrie.

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Thank you for your comment and your questions, Annlinn!

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