I wish I could have been there! Standing in solidarity!

Slava Ukraini!!!

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Dozens? That implies a small group, not the large crowd that attended. It was at least few hundred. Maybe a minor point, but important. Why downplay it?

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Annie. Dozens is also the MDI Islander count. We did not count hundreds at Bar Harbor. And looking back at a group photo to triple check, I still do not count hundreds.

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Mar 3Edited

Good grief. Put them all up for sale. Can't enjoy them anymore scene they started

charging to enter.

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"we could make more in the private sector" let private run the whole place. Kinda like what the Acadia corp lost.

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Huge thanks to all of you for standing up for our treasured Acadia National Park, and our great staff who make it possible for us to enjoy its treasures. And another huge thanks to speaking truth to the two headed hydra of Trump/Musk who are chainsawing up our democracy and that of the world.

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