Tariffs or no tariffs, build with native wood. It has a proven lifespan of centuries. Leave exposed beams and wood paneled walls...much warmer and more pleasing an environment than steel and drywall. Hire local artisans, craftsmen home-builders, even shipwrights. Contract with Maine lumberyards. Good for Maine's employment and economy.
Make the school a monument to education that MDI can be proud of; make it a symbol of Mainers' hardiness and independence. Allow the building itself to begin educating the children; teaching strong Maine values.
Over priced to start with now this? Raise the parking rates!
Tariffs or no tariffs, build with native wood. It has a proven lifespan of centuries. Leave exposed beams and wood paneled walls...much warmer and more pleasing an environment than steel and drywall. Hire local artisans, craftsmen home-builders, even shipwrights. Contract with Maine lumberyards. Good for Maine's employment and economy.
Make the school a monument to education that MDI can be proud of; make it a symbol of Mainers' hardiness and independence. Allow the building itself to begin educating the children; teaching strong Maine values.
MAGA right?