May 12, 2023Liked by Carrie Jones

Carrie, thank you so much for carrying the Chalking story. This is part of an important story of National importance.

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Thank you so much for reading it, Barbara. It's really full of so many implications for so many aspects of our nation; you're right.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Carrie Jones

re: google Leonard Leo chalking project.

1. This project is a relatively new addition to ongoing protest sustained by local activists since Leo moved here. Sun and snow, local activists have been protesting Leo's depredations for years. As Dr. Martin Luther King observed and as cited by life long Quaker activist George Lakey: it's not individual demonstrations as much as campaigns which matter. These local activists have mounted a campaign which has reached our neighbors and visitors, and made local and national news.

2. With the departure of disgraced former Town Manager Kevin Sutherland, this year the BH Police leadership and the BH Public Works/Highway Division leadership are on the same page in defending the chalking project as First Amendment protected and Maine Criminal Code compliant. What a difference a year makes!

(Although the BH Town Council is cemented in its refusal to account for Sutherland's use of public office and public resources to pursue his/their campaign of threats, erasure, and lies to the press. And The Mt. Desert Islander, which amplified Sutherland's lies unchallenged, refuses to correct the misinformation in their reporting.)

All the more reason to recognize local officials who defend the law and local journalists who respect journalistic truth and journalistic responsibility to spotlight government corruption.

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