Good to see local Maine companies stepping forward to solve a problem that state bureaucrats would "study" to death and then spend more money on the "study" than it would cost to do the actual repair. As an ex layout engineer I have not the slightest doubt that an experienced construction foreman will be able to quickly and efficiently complete a temporary repair and I applaud these 3 companies for stepping up!

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Again great reporting. How do we thank the three companies that are willing to get the Seawall Road open. The State should be ashamed for not doing much of anything about the road while taxpayers who live and work there must suffer. To John, BFP Trucking and Doug Gott and Sons I am sure the residents of MDI will take notice of your kindness and willingness to help your fellow neighbors in their time of need. Thank you

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I no longer have much faith in the DOT after their weak handling of what happed at Charlotte's.

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